Welcome to Bayside.

 What to Expect

Visiting a church for the first time can be a daunting experience. Whoever you are and wherever you are on your spiritual journey, you are welcome here at Bayside!

When is worship?

Our service begins at 10:30 a.m., but folks often gather in the kitchen (located just off the sanctuary) for coffee about 10:15 a.m.

What should I wear?

Members and friends of our congregation come from all walks of life and you can see it in the way we dress, so wear what makes you comfortable. Each week we have folks who are dressed casually, while others are in their “Sunday best.”  We believe that God cares more about the state of our hearts than the state of our attire, and encourage you to dress the way that feels most appropriate to you.

What can I expect?

As you enter the sanctuary, our ushers will give you a bulletin for that week’s order of service, which includes prayers, hymns, announcements, and an upcoming calendar of events. If you follow the service order, there shouldn’t be any unexpected surprises (unless it’s unplanned, which happens on occasion). The bulletin will have a little asterisk indicating the times during worship when we stand, or you can watch the folks around you. But if you don’t want to stand or if you are mobility impaired, you are welcome to stay seated, or “stand in spirit” as we say. We usually sing 3 hymns per Sunday out of the hymnal, which will you’ll find in the pew. Singing is optional as well, but there’s no need to feel shy, we encourage everyone to make a joyful noise regardless of their musical prowess.

What is the service like?

Our service is a traditional, but not formal mixture of scripture, preaching, music, and prayer. Communion is offered to all on the first Sunday of the month, and all are welcome to participate in this sacrament.  Occasionally we have special services including Baptisms, and we have seasonal emphases including Advent and Lent.

How long does worship last?

Our services usually last approximately one hour.